What’s up?

What's up?06 May 2006 11:51 pm

Today was a sunny and great summerday. 8) School was open at this saturday with activities for the children. A so called “open house” event called “Brukets dag”.

That means the school had open doors for us parents and relatives to step into the classrooms and atend while the children had lessions. Later there was outdoor activities with different sports, music, pony-riding and alot more.

Here is a picture of Jasmine painted as a tiger:

Jasmine tiger

And here she’s on a pony:
Häst ridning

What's up?30 Apr 2006 11:00 pm

Finally sunday came, and we went to the castle that’s located in our city to see the fireworks, walpurgis-fire and listen to choir singing songs of spring.


Walpurgis fire
Castle of Örebro

Castle of Örebro

What's up?27 Apr 2006 08:31 pm

And thursday morning came with me sleeping a bit a bit too long, causing a very stressful morning and our daughters coming 1 hour late for school and daycare. (o)

The day continued much better with busy, but nice hours of work. šŸ™‚

At the end of the day I had a meeting with the auditor for help with how to fill out the company’s income-tax return form correctly.

Now I’m longing for friday and the weekend to start . . . it will be 3 days long (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) and at sunday we will celebrate walpurgis. (d)

What's up?21 Apr 2006 09:40 pm

I never thought this week would have an end, it has been long workingdays between 8:00 to 01:00 and my body and soul need some rest.

It all started at tuesday with other people being home and sick, and the work they should have done, was given to me. A late tuesday went into a early wednesday with more issues.. šŸ™ We went away to remove a kitchen steel sinc and replace it with a new benchtop including a undermounted sink, but to be able to remove it, we had to first remove the tiles – and the nightmare begun… the person that had mounted the tiles had done it too good, not only the tiles went down, the wall behind them too. šŸ˜®

After 5 hours of removing the tiles, several hours went away to repair the wall with new gypsum boards (drywall). But the nightmare doesn’t end there – when we had open up the package we found out that the benchtop had wrong color!! There was 3 benchtops, the 2 smaller ones had the correct color, but the large one with the undermounted sink had wrong color.

Thursday continued in the same way, but finally we could finish the week at friday with success – a whole day without any issues! :d

Undermounted sinc <-- Example of an undermounted sinc

What's up?17 Apr 2006 09:19 pm

Today I decided to change tyres, from the snow/winter tyres with studs, to ordinary tyres made for best performance during the summer.

I discovered that the handbrake that the car repair shop of Saab “repaired” in january, was a waste of money – handbrake is not working at all for the left side of the car – the same issue that I had in january. So the work they did for me, was only to charge me.

The long weekend is over and we say goodbye to easter, and hello to springtime. I wish more sunny days will be here and the tempature will rise.

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