What's up?29 May 2019 10:43 am

Finally an image of how my life looks like with work work work 24/7/365

What's up?29 Dec 2014 01:12 am

I wish You all a happy new year!


What's up?16 Apr 2012 12:33 am

Finally spring is on it’s way – I’m longing for the summerdays and summer nights. 🙂
Below an image of the new leaves…


What's up?11 Mar 2011 08:13 pm

Hi there!   Time goes by so quickly and I have just realized it has allready passed 20 years since I took my driving licence and was old enough to visit a bar for the first time, start working, became adult and more.

Anyway, back in february 21st me, Susanna, Jasmine and Malva went on a 24 hours trip with the Viking boat named Cinderella.  Everything was great even though we had some hassle with the train trip back from Stockholm to Örebro.

The image below that I want to share with You shows You how it looked outside from the stern of the boat.  Alot of ICE – but not thick enough though, so we didn’t get stuck in the ice like alot of other boats did later the same week.


What's up?03 Nov 2010 07:37 pm

Testar att posta med min iphone.

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